Monday, August 18, 2008

we are not keling!!

On 5th August 2008 Tamil vernacular newspaper; Makkal Osai reports that 1000 parents & Makkal Sakti (Hindraf) members demonstrated in front of a secondary school in Teluk Panglima Garang, Banting, Selangor to show their protest against a History teacher that had been reported to use vulgar, abusive callings to call or recognize Indians when she was teaching in the classrooms. It had been reported that not only once she use that "k" word, but for several different classes. The words she used; of course it is not a new calling, she called Indians as " keling " . Well first, we (Indians) would not ever tolarated to those callings ANYMORE.

You know why, "Because we are not keling! "

Keling is the calling that was very much misunderstood and misinterpreted in Malaysian society , to recognize an Indian. Keling is derived from the word "Kalinga" - a place in northern east coast of India ( . Traders from Kalinga kingdom, was involved in trading and business in the most part of the South East Asia. And they well-knowned for their business and wealth.

And what happen was, Malays (Melayu lama) to their best knowledge & faith, could maximumly recognize those "dark-tanned skin, tall, curled hair (probably); Hindu-Buddha religions followers, and of course from mainland India" as KELING.

But ,in honour to respect those well-to-do Kalinga traders, Malays accepted to name several coastal places after the traders' place of origin, Kaling. In such circumstances, places like Tanjong Keling, Masjid Kapitan Keling born.

Well, come to the topic now, those Kalinga traders ARE NOT the same INDIANS, you Malays and Chinese see in Malaysia now. My great sympathies go to those Melayu Lama...they could NOT recognize or differentiated South Indians from Northern East Indians (Kalings)

WE ARE SOUTH INDIANS, you morons! South Indians are the Malaysian Indians now present here in Malaysia...err...remember Hindraf...KLCC...FRU...Makkal Sakti all? Ah...ya,correct correct correct..we are that one :p

Melayu Mudah Lupa...true you know?

Kalinga traders finance your mosques, houses, suraus etc and willing to marry your Cik Siti, Fatimah, Nor Endang all as their second or third wife (we telling you the truth lah) BUT at last you morons telling around that "Keling" means (South) Indian present now here in Malaysia…

Janganlah bodoh sangat…..

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